Silk Slip Dress
USD 204.00
The 100% natural silk is spun, woven into a narrow stripe weave fabric, then designed and subjected to pleating finishing process, giving the surface a special wrinkled texture with luster and depth, hanging with a sense of strength, soft but not collapsing.
天然細膩的100%真絲經繅絲,經緯織造條紋紋理窄幅得布後,再設計經過類似疊皺整理的工藝,使表面擁有特殊的褶皺紋理,有光澤和層次感,垂墜亦有筋骨,軟而不塌。無需多餘的畫蛇添足,一件吊帶裙就滿足對24年所有的想象,離開、重塑、有新的起點。 得之不易的橫條紋,在裙身斷開是不可能的,足足的褶皺,沒有分片,走動時感受到輕盈的分量感。捻度自帶肌理慵懶感,上身親膚涼爽。更日常一點的穿搭會建議在裡面加內搭的白tee或背心。
size1: 胸圍94 後中衣長91.5
size2: 胸圍98 後中衣長93.5